
VBD Certification's global network of experts is your partner in equipping you and your organization with essential training and up-to-date knowledge. We ensure you have the tools and insights needed to propel your business forward with confidence and excellence.

Through our professional training services, we aid our clients and their supply chain management in meeting requirements, improving business processes and products, and fulfilling demands. VBD Academy courses cover international and regional regulatory developments, customer and legal compliance requirements, good manufacturing practices, quality management systems certification, evolving technology and markets, sourcing and development necessities, and more.

VBD Academy courses are delivered via a variety of media including:

  • Self-led eLearning
  • Instructor-led sessions courses with set dates, times, and locations, at VBD centres around the globe.
  • Bespoke learning solutions for your organization, taught on your own premises

Our educational programs range from one-hour introductory webinars designed to increase your understanding of management systems standards, to five-day IRCA-registered lead auditor courses for those responsible for system implementation and auditing. Presented by practicing expert auditors and educators, these programs are designed to keep you fully informed on the latest industry requirements and best practices.